Dima, the child thrown by the mother like garbage! His parents didn’t even want to see him at birth because he looked too weird, they abandoned him at the first opportunity. But a few years later, something miraculous happened: Check the comments 👇👇👇

He doesn’t remember his biological parents.

At birth, Dima was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, or “water on the brain.” And when his parents saw him for the first time, they made a heartless choice.

They left the hospital without him and never looked back.

Dima was forced to begin life in a orphanage for disabled children in Krematorsk in eastern Ukraine, writes the Ukrainian newspaper Fakty i Kommentarii.

Still in Kharkov Tomorrow we should get Zebadiah and head to Kiev for the final leg of our journey

Posted by Ernest Chaves on Monday, August 31, 2015

Four years later, Dima still couldn’t do simple things like eat with utensils or walk. The orphanage staff doubted that he’d develop normally in the future. But they were surprised he had survived for so long and could even say a few words.

But it wouldn’t be the last time that Dima would surprise the world.

When war broke out in eastern Ukraine in early 2014, Dima suddenly faced a new danger: the orphanage was in the middle of a disputed area.

Waiting at Keiv airport

Posted by Ernest Chaves on Monday, July 20, 2015

So along with all of the other kids at the orphanage, Dima was forced to evacuate and seek safety elsewhere.

For a full week, the children and staff were forced to go from place to place without any water, food, or medicine.

Finally, a group of separatists noticed that some of the children were close to death, so they brought the children to the Ukrainian authorities.

Zebadiah woke up this morning and greeted his nurse.

Posted by Ernest Chaves on Friday, November 18, 2016

The children ended up in a hospital in Kharkiv, the country’s second-largest city. When doctors saw Dima for the first time, they had to hold back tears. Trying to escape the war had really taken a toll on him.

The doctors didn’t think Dima stood a chance of surviving in the war-torn country. And they were so desperate that they contacted a priest to pray for a family to adopt the boy, writes Hefty.

Pics of Zebadiah

Posted by Ernest Chaves on Monday, August 24, 2015

The priest’s prayers were soon answered. First, Dima and his friends ended up in a new orphanage. And a few weeks later, a couple named Ernest and Ruth Chaves arrived from Vermont in the United States. They had heard about the war and wanted to adopt a child from the war-torn region

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