This wonderful girl’s name is Kennedy Garcia, she lives in Colorado. After her birth, her parents were strongly advised to leave the baby in the maternity hospital, since the child has Down syndrome, leukemia and a deformed spine.Open >
Fortunately Rene Garcia, the mother of the girl met a woman, the nurse of the department, who morally supported her and assured her that such children could grow up and live a normal life. Just boundless patience and work hard are needed.
The most serious problem in Kennedy’s life path is a sick spine. When the girl was two years old, she was put on a metal collar and a helmet that helped fix the bones. The baby was completely immobilized. She could just lie and watch dance videos all day long. And when she began to walk again, she immediately went to sign up for dancing.
While dancing Kennedy forgot about her health problems and the difficulties she went through. She realized that it doesn’t matter how you look, the main thing is how well you do your job. She tried very hard and she liked dancing. She lived for dancing.
Now her life is filled with dances, photo shoots, and new acquaintances. She works for KMR Diversity and Dream Talent Management and regularly flies to Hollywood and New York for auditions, auditions and TV shows. And she’s only 16 years old!
As the girl’s mother says, her daughter’s life does not resemble the life doctors once predicted for her. She is an ordinary teenager who likes to take selfies, experiment with hair color, make videos for TikTok and discuss boys with her girlfriends. She is a very positive person and laughs a lot.
Kennedy has a boy-friend, Matthew. The guy is four years older than Kennedy and he also has Down syndrome, but he works in the modeling business and is engaged in acting.